ÚLTIMA HORA: Will Smith se derrumba tras la filtración de unas cintas de él y Diddy. Historia completa
Puede que Sean “Diddy” Combs esté tras las rejas, pero eso no le impidió romper su silencio en las redes sociales para honrar el cumpleaños de su hija . Mientras permanece en el…
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NOTICIA DE ÚLTIMA HORA: Justin Bieber luce desconsolado al salir tras la trágica muerte de Liam Payne, mientras el escándalo de Diddy continúa bajo investigación. Esto lo ha dejado….Ver más
Justin Bieber pareció mostrar tensión junto a su esposa Hailey mientras conducían su Cybertruck en Beverly Hills el lunes. El cantante de 30 años de Baby optó por el asiento…
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ÚLTIMA HORA: Liam Payne deja a todos desconsolados tras su fallecimiento a los 31 años. Inmediatamente, la investigación sobre la muerte de Liam Payne obligó a la policía a revisar nuevas imágenes de CCTV y descubrió que… Ver más
Las autoridades de Argentina están investigando nuevas revelaciones sobre el trágico fallecimiento de Liam Payne , ex miembro de One Direction , quien supuestamente cayó del balcón de su habitación de hotel en Buenos Aires, Argentina, ayer (17…
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HOT: DJ Clark Kent, Hip-Hop Pioneer, Producer of Jay-Z and Mariah Carey, Passes Away at 58. After a long battle with illness, Clark Kent has….See more
DJ Clark Kent, a hip-hop pioneer with production credits on hits for Jay-Z, Notorious B.I.G. and Mariah Carey, has died at the age of 58. The musician, who has become…
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HOT NEWS: Rapper Lil Durk was arrested for attempted murder involving rapper Savannah Quando Rondo. Florida police handcuffed him shortly after. According to his statement, Lil Durk said….See more
The wording has been changed for Lil Durk’s involvement in King Von’s death. The suspected murder-for-hire plot was in retaliation for King Von’s death after an altercation with Quando Rondo’s…
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Chicago rapper Lil Durk was arrested in Florida for murder for hire. CCTV recorded Lil Durk and 5 accomplices using guns to attack, immediately the police chased and caught Lil Durk and he shouted loudly…. See more
The rapper was arrested Thursday and was being held at the Broward County jail in Fort Lauderdale, records show. Chicago rap superstar Lil Durk has been arrested in Florida on…
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CCTV captures the moment gunmen opened fire on rapper Quando Rondo killing his cousin ‘in revenge shooting’ as Drake’s friend Lil Durk was arrested for attempted murder-for-hire. Lil Durk was handcuffed shortly afterwards….See more
This is the moment gunmen opened fire on rapper Quando Rondo in a failed ‘revenge shooting’ that left his cousin dead. The 2022 shooting in Los Angeles saw several masked men getting…
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Rapper Lil Durk ‘arrested for attempted murder-for-hire’ hours after five people were charged in connection with the shooting death of Quando Rondo’s cousin. Police arrested Lil Durk and he told police that… See more
The rapper Lil Durk has been arrested and charged in a murder-for-hire plot. Lil Durk, whose real name is Durk Banks, was arrested in Broward County, Florida, on Thursday night XXLMag first reported….
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HOT NEWS: Chicago rapper Lil Durk was arrested in Florida for murder for hire. According to the indictment, Lil Durk admitted to receiving a huge sum of money to…. See more
Rapper Lil Durk has been arrested in Florida on murder-for-hire charges. The Chicago-born artist, born Durk Banks, was arrested on Thursday and is currently being held in a Broward County, Florida, jail,…
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BREAKING NEWS: Chicago rapper Lil Durk was booked into Broward County Jail on murder-for-hire charges. According to witnesses, Lil Durk and five accomplices attacked and used…. See more
Lil Durk’s arrest comes as five members of Chicago-based Only The Family (or OTF) crew, which the rapper has associations with, were indicted as co-conspirators in a Los Angeles murder-for-hire…
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